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Franklin County Engineer's Office
(614) 525-3030

Surveyor’s Journal Bibliography

Surveyor’s Journal Bibliography

References and Suggested Reading

Barrett, Richard E. Images of America, Columbus 1860-1910, Arcadia Publishing, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, 2005


Burke, Thomas A. Ohio Lands, A Short History, The Auditor of the State of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, 1997


Darlington, William H. Christopher Gist Journals, J.R. Welden & Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1893


Franklin County Engineer’s Office. Historical  Land Records and Maps, Records Management Office, Columbus, Ohio


Garrett, Betty with Lentz, Edward R. Columbus, America’s Crossroads, Continental Heritage Press, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1980


Graichen, Jody H. Remembering German Village, The History Press, Charleston, South Carolina, 2010


Howe, Henry. Historical Collections of Ohio Volumes I & II, The State of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, 1907


Knepper, George W. The Official Ohio Lands Book, The Auditor of the State of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, 2002


Lee, Alfred E. History of the City of Columbus Volumes I & II, Munsell & Company, New York, New York, 1892


Lentz, Edward R. Columbus, The Story of a City, Arcadia Publishing, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, 2003


Martin, William T. The History of Franklin County, Follett, Foster & Company, Columbus, Ohio, 1858. Republished by Bergman Books, Columbus, Ohio, 1993


Moore, Opha. History of Franklin County Volumes I & II, Historical Publishing Company, Topeka, Kansas, 1930


Ringle, Dean C. The Franklin County Engineer as County Surveyor, Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio, 1986


Taylor, William A. Centennial History of Columbus and Franklin County Volumes I & II, S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1909


Van Fossen, William H. The Story of Ohio, The Macmillan Company, New York, New York, 1937